Under this post I would like you to write any interesting facts you find out about the topics listed. These comments must be in your own words not copied and pasted in! Use a new comment for each topic you have a fact on please. Remember, your comments may not appear strait away as I have to approve the,. Only post them once please. I will be rewarding Dojo points for excellent research comments from here as I see them.
Task 1 - Arthur Miller
- Key events in his life.
- Other works (especially Death of a Salesman)
- His beliefs/political outlook including communist connections.
- Arraignment by the House Un-American Activities
Task 2 - Witchcraft: Background
- What was witchcraft? Who practiced it?
- Describe the social response to withcraft in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.
- What social and religious factors are given to account for the harsh response to witchcraft?
- What can you find out about modern witchcraft or wicca.
Task 3 - New England in the 1690's
- What type of people settled Massachusetts?
- How did they survive?
- What were their main fears and anxieties?
- What can you find out about their social structures/hierarchies?
Task 4 - The Salem Witch Trials of the 1690's
- What events led to these trials?
- Who was involved - as prosecutors? As victims?
- What were the outcomes of the trials?
- How do historians interpret these events?
Task 5 - McCarthyism and the crack-down on communists in the 1950's
- What was the Cold War?
- What was McCarthyism? Who was Joe McCarthy? What were his aims? methods? Who were his victims?
- What lead to his eventual downfall?